Wednesday, September 10, 2014

In government, we’ve watched the movie “Lincoln”. It’s about President Lincoln and the Thirteenth Amendment. If you don’t know what the Thirteenth Amendment is about, it is to abolish slavery, and set slaves free. Back then, I would have been for the Thirteenth Amendment because this is America, the land of the free and the home of the brave.

What has Abraham Lincoln done to leave an imprint on America’s life? President Lincoln freed the slaves and helped create peace between the Northern and Southern states. Yet, you ask what has Barack Obama done to help the United States of America? You cannot compare the two in anything other than numbers because there are a lot of things to consider. You have to look at the impact, Lincoln helped abolish slavery, whereas, Obama has tried to help our healthcare system. To some, it is like comparing apples to oranges. Back then, it may have been unheard of or crazy to consider and impose the executive orders Lincoln passed. Lincoln should be looked at as someone who paved the way for equality and freedom.

I felt that Lincoln did the right thing and had more than just one groups opinions valued higher than the other and created equality to free slaves. He paved the way for our country to be what it is today. Obama has tried to setup a healthcare system that has not had a lot of support but it may be comparable. Lincoln also probably felt opposition when he pushed to free the slaves. Did Lincoln abuse his powers? Maybe if you consider the South not wanting to free the slaves, not everyone will agree with the decision.

1 comment:

  1. So this was going pretty good but I needed to see some more on executive powers and your opinion on whether they were abused or not. Also it's a little short.
