Tuesday, October 14, 2014

28th Amendment

The 28th Amendment- Citizens of the United States shall not be denied the right of same sex marriage by the United States or by any state.

If I were to make an amendment that could make everyone mostly happy in America, I would legalize gay marriage. I know for sure that people don’t like seeing lesbians, gays, bisexuals, or transsexuals be in love. I don’t care if they’re happy, but if they are happy then fine! Just don’t come and try to start a relationship with me if you’re a lesbian. If people say they are disturbing, why do they have to make their love public, like kissing in the park? Like it is disturbing but when I see them I see a normal couple just a little bit different. But how is it different than a regular couple making out in the park? I know that same sex marriage is not in the bible, but not everyone believes in the same god, or they don’t believe in any god.

America is about freedom, and that you could almost do anything you want. The lesbians, gays, bisexuals, or transsexuals, just want to get married like any other couple in the word. Plus they just don’t want to be judged. But I’m sure anywhere in the world you will get judged. Yet those who judge will be judged to. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that you did a good job. I like how you put your own opinion in here about if it is disturbing. I also like how you put how America is about freedom.
