Wednesday, October 1, 2014

2nd Amendment

                I am a very strong believer in my second amendment rights. I believe that my second amendment rights are being taken away by making limitations on what I can own and what I cannot own. I believe that the social media plays in a major role, by making people afraid of guns, and or gang related things. The media makes people afraid by showing more scarier things for the people in the United States, by showing who got killed, what gun they were using, but they don’t show who got saved by having a gun.  I believe that society will be safer if there was more training on the safety and care of a gun. There should be more focus on the safe use and care of guns than on restricting sales across the board.
                I believe that the most effective way to make schools safer would be to station troops; that are returning from overseas, that are having a difficult time finding jobs; at our schools to make them safer, or at least near the schools. Teachers could also keep schools safer by taking self-defense classes, or train through the police academy to carry a weapon in school. I think if we do not make a difference in our society then the situation will get worse. The gun violence will get worse until more citizens are willing to stand up for themselves by carrying a firearm for self-defense. I believe that more gun control laws will lead to greater gun violence because criminals will continue to be criminals and get guns illegally. While at the same time it will be harder for the law abiding citizens to get guns for self-defense. Some people argue that we do not need guns because the police are there to protect us but in fact the police are not there to protect individuals but rather the general public. It is impossible to have police on every corner to protect every citizen themselves. The citizens have to take it upon themselves to protect not only themselves but others, against criminals.

                Do guns kill people or do people kill people? Guns make it easier to kill people. In my own opinion people kill people because if you take a gun and you set it in a mall full of people it will not kill anyone. Someone has to take control of the gun for it to harm anyone, therefore people kill people, and guns are just a tool used to harm someone. There are many tools that can be used to harm people, but often times guns are simply easier. There was violence and murder before guns were created and there will continue to be violence and murder even if guns are taken away.  


  1. I agree with you on the media related causes, and how they show people getting killed with guns and not people saving themselves with guns. I also think its a great idea to train teachers in self defense classes and to have guns just in case the police isn't there. And I agree that there should be more focus on the safe use of guns.

  2. I like the concept of soldiers looking for jobs possibly being hired by schools. I would think they need to pass a mental evaluation or something of sorts due to potential problems from ptsd, etc. I was looking for a connection with Obama's 23 executive orders he signed into effect in January.
