Tuesday, December 16, 2014


                Can you believe that two military psychologists have been paid eighty million dollars to invent different kinds of torture techniques? How did they get all of that money? Well, they got all the money from tax payers and if you are a tax payer, you might not be happy about that! In an article on MSN, they said that the doctors really didn’t invent anything, so why should they get eighty million dollars for not inventing anything. Plus they shouldn’t get paid to torture people; I believe that is just wrong and a horrible thing to do to a human being.
The military psychologists that were paid to torture suspected terrorists used tactics such as water boarding and mock burial. Water boarding is where they put a piece of clothing or a rag over their head and pour water on them constantly so that the detainee feels like they are drowning and a mock burial, to make them feel like they are going to die and bury them or bury them alive.
            Some people do not like the idea of torture. Torturing should be limited, because a suspected terrorist that was being tortured died from hypothermia. They said that his clothes was falling off because he was being dragged in the dirt of the corridors, and all of his torturers would beat him up and then they would leave him chained to the cold concrete floor, wearing nothing but a sweatshirt. This man had cuts and bruises below the waist, on his face, legs, and his shoulders.

            I don’t think it is right that we are harming the terrorists, where they cross the line is by breaking their bones or by causing physical harm that causes death. Like I said, it should be limited because I’m not completely against torture. If the terrorists do have information that helps save innocent American people or any people from death by their organization, I think it is a good thing that came from something that may be frowned on. 

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