Tuesday, February 17, 2015

1.  Look at the interactive map.  How many cases of measles were in S.D. as of January, 2015?
2.  How many cases were in California?             How about Ohio?
79                                                                                                382
3.  What about the world in 2014?                       How about 2015 so far?
122,061                                                                                                      495
How many states currently allow for religious exemptions from vaccinations?
4.  Read the story of Tammy Hill and measles.  Write 4 sentences explaining your thoughts.
Tammy got measles when she was only 6 weeks old. That is so early and she was so young when she got it.
This made me feel bad for that family. I think that you should get vaccinated as early as you can.

5.  What are the two legal exemptions to the measles vaccine for students in South Dakota?

      a. if your severely allergic
      b. you have religious reasons

6.  Is measles an airborne virus?
Doctors say yes it is an airborne virus, its only around for 2 hours.

7.  List the "7 vaccine myths debunked by Doctors article."
a.       Its okay to delay vaccines and it lets your kids immune system mature
b.      more people die from the vaccine than from measles
c.       existence of the vaccine injury compensation program proves vaccines are harmful
d.      people who have been vaccinated can spread measles
e.      vaccination is a political debate
f.        vaccines cause autism
g.       illegal immigrants, are bringing measles to the US

8.  Read South Dakota's current law on vaccinations.  In a minimum of 200 words do you support the law as is?  If not, how would you change/amend the current law?  What would it say?  As a parent will you vaccinate your children accordingly?

I agree with this the law. When I grow up and if I have kids, my kids will be getting vaccines so they grow up without any diseases or sicknesses. These vaccines are nice to get and are somewhat like privileges. I believe that everyone may think differently but if you believe because of your or their religious beliefs. Yet everyone may think different because what if they aren’t religious and they just think that it is wrong to get vaccines. It would be nice if everyone could just have a choice even though we do have a choice. Even if you don’t get or take the vaccine you might be sorry if you don’t take it. Most people I know have been getting their vaccines for diseases such as the flu or whooping cough.  People who don’t vaccinate their kids are setting up dangerous risks for other peoples kids also. Just like Tammy Hill’s story when she was only six weeks old when she got measles and measles are technically airborne virus. 

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